Dear Patients,
We are open and safe!
Bridge Dental Smiles is open for you with a few minor changes to keep you and our team safe.
We have excellent infection control procedures along with a robust triaging policy to ensure the safety of both patients and staff. Our dedicated team are very familiar with the infection control procedures being used to manage the virus as they are much the same as those that have been applied by our practice for many years. (Our team has been training in infection control procedures for decades).
We have all the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) and will continue to follow national guidelines and standards.
What next?
If you are worried about your attendance, please contact us to discuss your concerns and we can always postpone your treatment till a later date.
We continue to recommend that patients in the high-risk category for COVID-19 delay non-essential treatment until further guidance has been given by the relevant authorities.
If you call to make an appointment, you will be asked some screening questions. You'll be asked those same questions again at your appointment.
When you arrive:
We advise that you wear a mask at all times while inside the dental practice and only remove your mask at the request of one of our team.
Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes early for an appointment due to social distancing guidelines.
Appointments will be managed to allow for social distancing between patients. That might mean that you're offered fewer options for scheduling your appointment.
As you enter the building you will need to use the alcohol disinfectant rub to disinfectant your hands and we will check your temperature before you are seen.
The treatment rooms will be prepared prior to your appointment with all surfaces disinfected after each patient and our air filtration units will continue to be used throughout the day in each surgery. We have sourced PPE and will be using the recommended equipment to keep us all safe.
We can assure you that we will continue to maintain high standards of cross infection control.
Stay safe and please contact us if you have any questions.
Bridge Dental Smiles team.
PS. You may find the downloadable pdf ‘Managing Toothache at Home’ useful while you are waiting to receive treatment.

Bridge Dental Smiles Services and Treatments Include:
Dental Practice Celebrates Employees Long Service
Looking after your employees is just as important as looking after your teeth. This is the message from Judy Bromley, practice manager at Bridge Dental Smiles in Telford as three members of staff …
Welcome Jorge
Jorge is the newest member of the Bridge Dental Smiles team - have a listen to his introduction video
10 Years Avoiding the Dentist
We know that many people avoid visiting the dentist but to go from spending almost ten years avoiding the dentist to then looking forward to visiting the dentist – now that’s progress! Julia from Newport had this experience and told us what made the…
Tooth Whitening Options – Why Custom Trays Are Best

Looking after your dental health for life
New Patient Info
Available Treatments
We offer a full range of dental services from bridges and veneers to crowns, implants and composite fillings.
Meet the Team
Here we have a team dedicated to improving your dental health throughout a wide variety of techniques.